happiness, cognition, self-knowledge, self-realization, person, personality, societyAbstract
The aim of the article is to analyze the concept of happiness of Gregory Skovoroda as the basis of personal existence, self-realization and creative activity of man. The problem of the person, its existence is considered. The methodological foundations of the study were hermeneutics, philosophical symbolism, religious and synergetic anthropology. Scientific novelty. The meaning of human life is to be a source of light and warmth, consciousness and conscience of the world, to transform and improve everything in it. Revealing the idea of the unity of man and the world, Skovoroda tries to understand the meaning of life in relation to its purpose. After all, to gain the freedom to think, to determine the meaning of life, to find joy in it - this is the happiness of life. According to Skovoroda, freedom of action was realized in a person’s knowledge of his innate abilities and the corresponding related activities. Conclusions. The deep connection in the works of Gregory Skovoroda between the idea of self-knowledge, the search for the meaning of life and its realization in human actions and deeds is shown, because the thinker himself lived as he taught. By his work Skovoroda demonstrated penetration into the mysteries of biblical symbolism, because he preferred the knowledge of the external world, and the knowledge of the «true man» – the true creation of God that can be happy in earthly life. He directed all his creativity to showing people the way to true happiness, which he understood not as the possession of ghostly “worldly entertainments”, but as “courage”, “peace of mind”, and “peace of heart”. So, a person’s happiness depends not on her particular position in the world, but on how she perceives and internally evaluates her involvement in the world. Skovoroda is convinced that it is necessary to be balanced, reasonable and free, easy and happy to accept all the vicissitudes of life circumstances prepared by the inexorable fate, various trials on the way of life. Thus, the search by one’s own efforts for salvation from adversity and a path to a happy life means nothing less than self-education.
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