



concept, dialectic, methodology, pedagogy, education, general, abstract, concrete


The article reveals the methodological role of understanding the nature of the concept in classical dialectics for modern pedagogical theory and practice. Methodological. The means of achieving this goal is the dialectic itself in its classical version, expressed through the necessary categorical connections. Thus it is understood as the logic and theory of cognition, brought to ethics, aesthetics, and thus to thinking pedagogy. Scientific novelty. The article substantiates the idea that understanding the nature of the concept in classical dialectics has a serious philosophical and educational significance, as it can be a reflective methodology of real pedagogical theory and practice. Dialectical-logical disclosure of the nature of the concept as such is opposed to the usual interpretation of the concept in the formal logic, which is entirely focused on pedagogy. The concept in dialectics (primarily in Hegel) is revealed as the unity of the universal, special and singular. At the same time, it is very important for pedagogy to distinguish between the concrete-universal and the abstract-general, respectively, of fundamentally different ways of generalization: empirical and actually reflexive-theoretical. Mastering the concepts in their true sense is involved in the acquisition of freedom and solves the problem of combining knowledge acquired in education and real life. Conclusions. If pedagogy is really concerned with the processes of constructing the actual human in the human individual, it will in no way bypass the dialectical way of understanding the nature of the concept. However, for this purpose, a certain philosophical culture of teachers must be developed, without which it is simply impossible to master the content of the true conceptual form. If pedagogy will continue to use only formal and logical knowledge in the way of constructing teaching methods, it will eventually be unable to get out of the current systemic crisis.


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