
  • Mariana BALITSKA




icon, post-modernism, art, ecumenism, religion.


The purpose of the article is to research the influence of Yurij Novosilsky's art on the origins and the inspiration of many Ukrainian artists. They attempted to interpret, integrate and form the methods as well as seek the language of modern Ukrainian icon. Besides creative work of the artist, we pay close attention to the concept of personality art in icon-creation. Except creative work of artist we spare the proper attention to the conceptual base for personality work in area of icon-creation. Formation of Yurij Nowosil’s’ky’s creative individual thought is considerate through the prism of the influences of world religions and religious phenomena, philosophical views and contemporary art trends. Methodology. General systematic logical methods of analysis and synthesis became methodological principles of the research. Philosophical principles are represented by analogy and comparative studies. Causal method, a special scientific methodology of religious studies, has been used in the research. Also, synergetic and culturological methods as well as art analysis are applied in the research. The scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of this study is to find the basis and review the key problems in creation of a modern Ukrainian icon through the prism of a multidisciplinary approach, analysis of creative and intellectual work of the individual. Conclusions. Art works of Yurij Novosilsky, which he created on acute enough conceptual angles, pushes the Ukrainian icon-painters on the attempts of searching new facilities of creation sacral religious reality in area of icon making. Many contemporary Ukrainian artists are fascinated by the artist’s work, his philosophical views and reflections on the theology of the icon. Emphasis is placed on the ecumenical nature of the modern icon, as sacred art does more than various interfaith symposia and conferences.It is worth emphasizing that in the multifaceted era of postmodernism, the Ukrainian modern icon accepts the experience of past generations and worthily continues its development in various styles and in the presence of a theological basis.


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