


logic, history of logic, history of Ukrainian philosophy, mathematical logic, algebra of logic, M. Grot, M. Lange, I. Sleshinsky, S. Shatunovsky, E. Bunitsky.


The aim of the article is to explore the peculiarities of the formation of logic in the context of its development in Ukraine, to identify common and different personalities in the history of philosophy and the history of logic at the beginning of the twentieth century. The methodology of the study is historical, comparative methods and the method of analogy. Scientific novelty. There was a great number of areas: formal logic, inductive logic, logic and the theory of knowledge, mathematical logic, psychological direction in logic within the logical problems at the end of the XIXth century. The development of logic as a philosophical discipline went beyond academic philosophizing. Novorossiysk (Odessa) University is a successful example of the existence of several directions of logic development in one Ukrainian institution of higher education . The achievements of professors of the Department of Philosophy R. Orbinsky, M. Grotto, M. Lange were significant. However, the establishment of the direction of mathematical logic in Ukrainian science was due to the professors of mathematics at Novorossiysk (Odessa) University. Professor I. Sleshinsky turned the university into a center for popularization of mathematical logic and research of problems of algebra of logic. He consolidated such young scientists as S. Shatunovsky, E. Bunitsky, V. Kagan, I. Tymchenko for studying these scientific problems. But, the progress of mathematical logic at Novorossiysk University was suspended as a result of I. Sleshynsky’s move to Poland and E. Bunitsky’s emigration. Conclusions. The historical and philosophical reconstruction of logical research in the context of the development of domestic mathematical logic at the beginning of the twentieth century reveals the research outside of academic philosophy and records significant achievements of professors of mathematics I. Sleshinsky, E. Bunitsky, S. Shatunovsky in promoting mathematical logic and forming a separate area of ХХ research.


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