


The purpose of the article is to analyze the sociocultural and cognitive structures that formed in ancient Greece, determined the formation of scientific rationality as such. The methodological principles of the study are the historicalcomparative method, which we used in the analysis of traditional and non-traditional forms of sociality and culture, as well as the basic principles of hermeneutics. Scientific novelty. The modern information society is based on the ideals and norms of scientific rationality and depends entirely on the development of science and the implementation of new technologies. Almost everything that surrounds us, satisfied our needs, makes us happy, ets. is the result fruitful scientific work and scientific achievements. Thus, today the problem of formation of scientific rationality is transformed from a purely theoretical philosophical problem into a problem that has «life-practical» meaning. Modern science is increasingly striving for self-reflection, persistently trying to explore the conditions and causes of its growth, and therefore there is an urgent need to consider the problem of formation of scientific rationality in a broad sociocultural context. Conclusions. The results of our study show that the problem of formation of scientific rationality is very important today and needs serious discussion and clarification by the sociology of knowledge and philosophy and morphology of culture. Our analysis of social and cultural determinants that led to the emergence of scientific rationality in ancient Greece shows that the emergence and development of science were the result of significant worldviews, cognitive and socio-cultural changes in the body of Greek traditional sociality and culture. Therefore, today it is necessary to carefully study there processes, predicting the development and transformation of science in the future.


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