


axiology of scientific activity, ethos of science, disciplinary matrix, interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity.


The purpose of the article is to identify the main stages of development of research in the field of scientific axiology and provide a brief description. Methodological principles of the study are a comparative method and historical-genetic approach, which allows to identify certain historical and cultural features of formation of the doctrine of axiological components in scientific knowledge. Scientific novelty. The ethos of science includes not only rules and norms of a purely moral nature. It also includes rules and principles of purely professional, scientific activity. These rules and principles are the main component of the so-called disciplinary matrix, which was studied in detail by T. Kuhn. The disciplinary matrix varies depending on the stage of development of science, so we consider it effective to develop the periodization of the ethos of science based on the features of disciplinary matrices at different stages of development of science. The first stage is classical science, the normative rules of which were formulated by R. Merton and which are reflected in the classical disciplinary matrices of T. Kuhn. The peculiarity of the next stage is the interdisciplinary of scientific research, which is embodied in the non-classical disciplinary matrices. This type of matrices is characterized by the mobile stability of the structure of the disciplinary matrices and languages of interdisciplinary communication. The modern period of science development has been called the post-classical (transdisciplinary) stage. At this stage, the norms of ethos acquire a dynamic character, clearly demonstrating the dependence on the goals set by one or another scientific community and on the internal norms adopted by it. Conclusions. The analysis of the problem showed that the phenomenon of the disciplinary matrices is a convenient and effective tool for studying the axiological characteristics of scientific activity and formulated the periodization of stages of development of the scientific ethos of science. The study proves the existence of three significant stages in the development of the ethos of science: classical, non-classical and post-classical, as well as analyzes the significant transformation that occur in the axiological field of scientific activity.


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