ecology; spinozism; matter; consciousness; affect; anthropocentrismAbstract
Purpose. The article aims to identify the productive value of the Dutch thinker Benedict Spinoza’s heritage in finding out and solving the problems facing modern eco-philosophy. Methodology. The article uses analytical and synthetic methods, which assume the disclosure of metaphysical concepts in modern eco-philosophical con-texts and actualization of classical ontology in building a new type of relationship between the man and nature. Scientific novelty. The article asserts that environmental pollution and complexity of building new types of coexistence between the man and other living and non-living organisms require reformatting of habitual opposition between nature and the man, consciousness and matter, politics, aesthetics and history – in particular, in the direction of the original Spinoza’s ideas. The analysis of Spinoza’s influence in modern discourse also has a practical meaning. The fact that the human being is not metaphysically or politi-cally exclusive with unique thinking and not the only bearer of values (which in various forms are articulated by the theorists of eco-philosophy) is supported by the anti-modern ethics XVII century Dutch thinker. The practical meaning of the article is to reveal the principles of eco-activism and political struggle against environmental pollution and animal protection movement. Theoretical significance is in attracting the rationalistic metaphysics of Benedict Spinoza to the construction of the new non-anthropocentric ontologies by A. Naess, T. Morton, S. Shaviro, F. Guattari, G. Bateson and others. Conclusions. The need for changes in the way humans and other living organisms coexist to solve environmental problems is manifested in the search for new ethics and ontologies in philosophy. An important place is occupied by the rethinking of Spinoza’s idea in metaphysical, ethical and ontologi-cal aspects.
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