methodology; philosophical death; thinking; perso-nality; selfnessAbstract
The purpose of the work. The article deals with such a dimension of methodological issues, which is connected with the personality and individual qualities of the thinker, namely, the willingness to carry out a mental movement along with the logic of the subject, which involves going beyond oneself, stopping the flow of life, resulting in the metaphor of the philosophical death. Methodology. The means of realization of this task are the following: first, critical analytics of the concept-metaphor «philosophical death» and secondly, the iden-tification of levels of individualized Self – those characteristics of the Self that become a condition of creativity, and which hinder it. Scien-tific novelty. It is shown that the «philosophical death» as a metho-dological principle works as a preparation for thinking in the dominant attention to the life of the subject of thought, which involves the exclu-sion of their vital interests and going beyond oneself. The willingness to die for the world has a purely intellectual content: the breaking of the automatic-habitual movement of reasoning, the disclosure of mul-tidimensional spaces of thought. «Philosophical death» can be under-stood as a deepening in oneself, but because by its nature the man is a universe, that is, a union of the multiple, a principled openness, so immersed in the depths of himself, man is able to overcome his empi-rical state. The basis of creative action is such a dimension of the Self, which is revealed by the concept of «personality», whereby the iden-tity of the person, which is individualized and individualized, is certified. The obstacle to the creative act is the Self: blocking the openness of the Self to significant dimension of the creative act. Conclusions. The readiness for self-change under the gaze of the truth is also referred to as metanoia, which is planned to be considered further in the anthro-pological-cultural dimension and to consider such a false modifica-tion of self-change as hypocrisy.
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