
  • Anastasiia Melnyk Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University



Other; I; unity; otherness; binary


The purpose of the study. The purpose of the article is to identify and compare the boundary characteristics of the Other phenomenon in their duality in relation to the I in the philosophy of the twentieth century. Methodology. The study provides an analysis of the problem at the intersection of historical-philosophical and phi-losophical-theoretical spheres. To consider the essential characteristics of the Other, the methods of categorical analysis and system-structural analysis need to be involved. From the point of view of historical and philosophical specifics, the work requires the use of the method of textual analysis and the method of philosophical comparison. Scien-tific novelty. The author identifies basic, binary approaches to under-stand the essence of the Other using the analysis of J.-P. Sartre and M.M. Bakhtin, which implies the formation of such essential integrity that realizes and justifies Me and the Other in an inextricable connec-tion, which leads the subjectivity of I out of the plane of one-dimen-sionality, atomicity and singularity into the concrete existence of being-with-the-Other. The diametrical, opposite understanding is developed by J.-P. Sartre, expressing ideas about the contrast of the Other to I. The focus is on non-possession and non-protection under the gaze of the Other. Conclusions. Consideration and comparison of binary ways of understanding the phenomenon of the Other allow us to capture the fundamental aspects that necessarily exist in any relation to the Other. Firstly, it is the openness and necessary essential correlation with the Other, which reveals the creative and semantic role of the Other in the formation and being of the I. Secondly, it is the total defense-lessness against the gaze of the Other, the opposition of I to the Other, since the Other is a fundamentally, fundamentally different being than I.


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