jump; multiple repetitions; difference; unwinding of God; immanence of GodAbstract
The purpose of this article is to discover specificity of ontological dimensions of good and evil in J. Deleuze’s philosophy. Scientific novelty: the definition of the ontology of good and evil in the simulacrum of the unwinding of God to the devil. The methodo-logy used here, is comparative analysis the metamorphosis of God’s unwinding of the devil in J. Deleuze’s philosophy. Conclusion. It in-dicates, that J. Deleuze doesn’t define the God in the transcendent, but defines in the immanence, so, accordingly, He can’t be simplified to subvention of good. Person reduces moral values to the categories of good and evil generally, and reduces their references to the God and devil. But one can’t be defined as good person or evil person. Therefore, according to J. Deleuze’s opinion, no one can introduce God within the similar frameworks. The philosopher paid attention not only to cruel actions by The Jewish God towards sinners, but also towards saints. The God seemed to be cruel. This suggested, regarding the uni-fication in nature of God, the good and the evil, which change through a great game, where everything is included, and any rule allows imple-menting all members of play. So, a dance of God and Fr. Nietzsche’s devil is proposed to counterbalance a leap of S. Kierkegaard’s faith. It analyses a difference between leap of faith and dance, which confirms a subsistence of good and evil. It indicates to the metamorphic nature of good and evil, God and Devil, which unwind to dimension of zero because of double dance and transform into their opposite, which is a part of the nature itself. The dance of good and evil, God and Devil – is a regular metamorphosis. According to the article, the dance is closest to divine play, unlike leap of faith. Because all the moves are repeated constantly in the dance, though every move is not only duplicate of original move and this duplicate repeats as long as it remains be op-posite to the original, which already disappeared in nothingness of a time. Also it indicates that human’s moral leans onto unnatural rules, where original defines the good only and the repetition has to be per-fect. The moral itself actually separates from natural of the good and the evil so far, that it appeals not to them already, but to the simulac-rums. According to J. Deleuze, everything is already a simulacrum in itself. Thus, God is also simulacrum of himself, which repeats itself as long as it doesn’t unwind to complete zero. God repeats himself until He becomes his own opposite, so His natural is immanent and includes germ of evil from the first, but not only good. Therefore, there is only one law of eternal repetition is subsist, and therefore God never disap-pears and always returns even from zero point. The article concludes that according to J. Deleuze’s philosophy, metamorphic multiple re-petitions of good are an anthological dimension of good and evil.
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