
  • Oksana Ferents Lviv Polytechnic National University



the Other; justice; responsibility; recognition; suf-fering; asymmetry; reciprocity


The article considers the notion of justice in E. Levinas’ and P. Ricoeur’s philosophy. The purpose of this article is to show the importance of the idea of justice in E. Levinas’ and P. Ricoeur’s interpretation for deeper perception of the essence of social justice. Con-sidering the purpose the most important tasks of this article are to reveal the connection among the notions of justice, responsibility, lan-guage, recognition, suffering in the philosophical views of E. Levinas and P. Ricoeur; develop the aspects of the idea of justice in the interpretation of French thinkers which are topical in the modern discourse of the question of justice. Methodology. The following methods have been used in our research. The comparative method helped to find out the peculiarities of the idea of justice in E. Levinas’ and P. Ricoeur’s conceptions. The dialectic method was used in the process of the ana-lysis of the mutual influence of the principles of assymetry and reciprocity, love and justice. The method of hermeneutics helped in the analysis of interpreting the notion of justice in its interconnection with the notions of responsibility, language, recognition, suffering. Also we used the methods of analysis, synthesis, abstraction and generalization. Scien-tific novelty of the research lies in the fact that on the basis of philo-sophical views of E. Levinas and P. Ricoeur extra-institutional factors have been revealed and they constitute the content of the notion of justice, that is showing non-indifference to the Other, responsibility for him, mercy on him. It has been demonstrated that the realization of these factors is one of the most important conditions to achieve justice in society. Conclusions. The connection between forming per-sonal identity, relations between I and the Other and the need to live in the society of justice is noted in the concepts of French thinkers. It is emphasized that the idea of justice in E. Levinas’ and P. Ricoeur’s interpretation opens new perspectives in building social relations, calls to overcome narcissism in narrow groups, typical of contempo-rary western societies, and redirects to search for common values between I and the Other.


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