
  • Anastasiia Melnyk Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University



F. Nietzsche, S. Frank, «love for neighbor», «love for far», morality, ideal, empathy, Overman, Other, freedom


The aim of the study. The article aims to reveal the anthropological content of the problem of love for the far in the philosophical views of F. Nietzsche through one of S. Frank’s most famous attempts to outline it and look at it in the light of the dialogic tradition. Methodology. In order to achieve the goal, a wide range of philosophical and general scientific methodological approaches were considered. To study the essential characteristics of love for the far, the following methods were applied: methods of system-structural analysis, textual analysis and philosophical comparative studies. Scientific novelty. The article proposes such a dimension of understanding of the far when it acts as the near, to which we keep a distance, that is, the Far can be understood as the Other – as one who has a different attitude towards each Self, but at the same time is equal to him and self-sufficient as well. That is why, such recognition is neither an egoism of self-pursuit, nor an altruism of action for the sake of other – it is a reassessment of existing principles in pursuit of the Overman’s creative principle. Conclusions. In the context Frank's dialogical reading of Nietzsche, offered in the article, the central theses of such a reading should be Nietzsche’s protest against moral compulsion and insistence on morality, free from fear of punishment or the expectation of a reward that conforms to the principles of utilitarianism. The principles of inviolability of the individual and the inadmissibility of pressure on it have become a guide for Frank in his further work, and following them introduces his legacy into the dialogic tradition.


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