
  • Sergіy VOZNYAK Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University




activity, cultural reality, metaphysics, eidetic contemplation, humanitarian worldview, cultural consciousness


The purpose. The article presents a philosophical analysis of the concept of “cultural reality” in the context of the general ontology of human existence. The relation of cultural reality to the subject, such as eidetic contemplation, is considered. The essence of eidetic contemplation as a fundamental humanitarian worldview, which appears as a mechanism of interaction of the subject with the world of cultural reality, a way of reflection of cultural consciousness and a higher meaning of revealing the universal essence of the cultural Universe. Methodology. The means of achieving this goal is the activation of the dialectical concept of “form” and the involvement of the concept of “activity”, through which it is possible to adequately reveal the dialectical principle of universal connection. One of the central issues in this regard is the nature of cultural life. How does culture exist, where exactly is the whole diverse treasury of its forms, manifestations, feelings, thoughts, images, experiences engraved in it? The questions of the ontology of cultural forms inevitably lead to metaphysical problems, which denote the problems of transcendent, timeless and extraspatial existence. Scientific novelty. Adequate understanding of cultural reality as such makes it possible to understand the way culture itself exists as an existential phenomenon, thus focusing thinking on understanding the ways in which the subject interacts with the cultural environment, in particular, through the concept of eidetic contemplation. Conclusions. Contemplation is not only a stage of the movement of cognition, not only a stage in the historical formation of social man, not a functional means of mastering the content of the world. Eidetic contemplation is selfsufficient and self-serving. As such, it is revealed to the maximum extent in aesthetic contemplation and experience, which appears as an absolute form, adequate to the human essence.


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