


knowledge, information and communication technologies, informatization, thinking, education, personality, communication, digitalization.


Summary. The purpose of the article is to give an update on some controversial aspects of the technologization of modern education. Methodology. The research is based on general philosophical principles of objectivity and ideological impartiality. The system-functional approach has contributed to the understanding of the crisis of education in the context of the dynamics of the development of information technologies, while the phenomenological approach made it possible to study educational trends in the context of analyzing the ways of human existence in the transformations of modern society. Scientific novelty. The author reveals the tendency of education (due to new technologies) to increase its instrumental power. It can also unconsciously share the technocratic ideology, believing that it responds to the "challenges of the time". To some extent, the boundless faith in the effectiveness of introducing technologies into the educational space, in our opinion, is nothing more than an attempt (consciously or unconsciously) to compensate for and disguise its internal stagnation and routine as much as possible with technological innovations (means). If changes in the educational sphere under the influence of the introduction of the latest technologies are constructive, then their use as a target guideline for the system, as well as as a criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of the educational organization, is rather destructive. Conclusions. It is necessary to be aware of the fact that socio-cultural transformations and challenges are not only a crisis situation, but the opening of new opportunities for personal development. But on the other hand, we are witnessing the destruction of traditional approaches to education. Technologies not only change the meanings, methods and content of education, they influence the definition of ideals, ideas and, accordingly, the goals of the educational sphere and results. As a result, the humanistic paradigm risks yielding to the technological one.


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How to Cite

TKACHENKO, O., & AREMCHUK, O. (2024). DIGITALIZATION AND INFORMATIZATION AS A CHALLENGE TO EDUCATIONAL AND PEDAGOGICAL REALITY. Human Studies: A Collection of Scientific Articles of the Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University. Series of Philosophy, (49), 145–158.