


social cognition, morality, humanity, artistic and philosophical cognition, war, Ukrainian culture, universal values, Ivan Franko, conscience, duty, responsibility.


Summary. The purpose of the article is to analyze the problems of morality as the main core of the human personality and, at the same time, the value basis for understanding the social realities of the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and the present, with reference to the works of Ivan Franko. Methodology. The means of achieving this goal are the principles and categories of metaphysics and dialectics, philosophical anthropology, value and socio-cultural approach, phenomenological and hermeneutical discourses, methods of deduction, induction, comparative studies. Scientific novelty. The current social realities in Ukrainian society can be characterized as having been formed as a result of the military aggression of the neighboring heresy and appearing as terrorist and genocidal towards the Ukrainian people and every person living in the territories of Ukraine, including the currently occupied Ukrainian lands. Ukraine and Ukrainians are in the crucible of a devastating global or world war, and therefore require a special analysis to understand the moral roots as a bridge to overcome the humanitarian abyss. Moral and ethical categories are considered fundamental and meaningful through the prism of ideas and images of Ivan Franko's works. Moral and ethical, human-affirming, humanistic ideas should become a solid foundation on which to rebuild Ukrainian society after the victory over the aggressor. Conclusions. Military aggression has created a number of crises in Ukrainian society, which at the same time revealed and led to crises, most of all in the moral and spiritual state of Ukrainians. There is an interconnection between the historical and cultural development of Ukrainian society in the past period of the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and modern development at the turn of the millennium. The ideas and images proposed in Ivan Franko's philosophical, journalistic, and artistic works, which are still relevant today, can become guidelines for achieving and implementing universal moral values in order to realize a happy life for every person.


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How to Cite

YANKO, Z. (2024). SOCIO-COGNTON ASPECTS OF MORALITY IN AN ARTISTIC AND PHILOSOPHICAL CONTEXT. Human Studies: A Collection of Scientific Articles of the Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University. Series of Philosophy, (49), 186–197.