praise, family upbringing, responsible parenthood, child, human personality, family, pedagogyAbstract
The goal of the work. The article reveals the methodological role of the principle of raising a child through praise as one of the tools of the family education system. Methodology. In a comparative analysis of the phenomena and consequences of praise, its influence on the child’s consciousness and behavior appears as a means of achieving the goal. Scientific novelty. The article analyzes the effects of accentuation on the formation of a child’s character, his way of thinking, and perception of the surrounding world, which makes it possible to emphasize the importance of the approach of using the praise method in the philosophical and educational discourse of family education pedagogy. At the same time, it is worth emphasizing the importance of a pedagogical approach to using such a tool of praise, which will allow the development of the child’s introspection abilities and the correct life-affirming perception of the surrounding environment. It is worth noting that the tool of praise depends on pedagogically correct use: it can harm the child and activate the opportunity for self-improvement and control in the child. Praise in the course of the entire educational process, particularly in the field of family upbringing, is a specific pedagogical and philosophical category capable of influencing the accentual processes of forming a human personality. Conclusions. Praise is individual: parents choose their methodology for giving praise to their children. The study of the problem allows us to talk about the tool of praise as an accentual process of forming a child’s character. Analyzing the praise criteria, we can confidently say that the pedagogy of family education at the current stage of development needs the correlative influence of conscious parenthood and motherhood. It is necessary to understand that praise, as a pedagogic tool of family education, is a multifaceted measure of parental influence on a child’s personality, capable of forming habituation and dependence on the praise of others, which in the future has a detrimental effect on self-esteem, improvement, and development of the human personality. At the time of the European integration processes of today, which our society is experiencing, praise as an educational tool, if used correctly, gives the opportunity to form a person with free European thinking.
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