


human dignity, spiritual freedom, self-determination, self-respect, identity


The purpose of the article is to clarify the priority concepts, theological approaches of Christian churches of Ukraine to the problem of human dignity in view of the modern European integration processes of the Ukrainian state. The methodological foundations of the study were comparative analysis, content analysis, dialectics, cultural and anthropological principles, as well as the principles of objectivity, legal support of religious freedom, as freedom of conscience. Scientific novelty. Appeal to the problem of human dignity during the historical tests of Ukraine includes the church not only in a wide range of real relations with the state, but also makes an important actor of European integration processes. Each stage of socio-historical development of European integration of Ukraine is characterized by different manifestations of religious activity of the churches, their diverse response to anthropological, ethical challenges of the social environment. Modern European integration processes of Ukraine too actualize the role of the human factor not only in supporting Ukrainian identity, but also in the preservation of humanistic, general civilization values of the world community. In this aspect, the problem of dignity has a sensory dimension, indicates the further vileness of the state and the churches in it, appears to be humanistic cores, the center of European civilizational norms and principles. How Ukrainian churches respond to this challenge, depends too much in the Ukrainian state, the possibility of peaceful coexistence in a common European space. Therefore, the author offers a comparative analysis of the modern answers of Christian churches of Ukraine on the question of human dignity. The conclusions emphasize that in the conditions of war, which is conducted by Russia in the territory of Ukraine, contrary to any humanistic and civilizational norms of the European community, tolerance of the aggressor state is not possible, since it means neglect of all-Christian values for the sake of the position of the Russian Orthodox Church. Religious organizations are no longer important to remain in the status quo calling “Peace is more valuable than freedom”. Churches should take into account the public space, despite the fact that in the presence of left -wing parties in the power of some states of the world community we have a new deployment of forces, when liberalism requires changes without much riots, seeks not to go beyond the achieved zone of comfort. Churches should learn how to name things with their own names, get rid of positions when they do not want to criticize each other, raise important ecclesiological and political topics. In the conditions of war in Russia in Ukraine with the active support by the Russian Orthodox Church, there can be no dialogue in the context of reconciliation with the aggressor. Currently, the Cold War has already gone into the phase of Europe and the world by a nuclear disaster by the Russian Federation, and therefore, the idea of inter – religious dialogue requires urgent reconstruction, requires a direct answer to the question of whether the dialogue can be a mission of the church, to be conducted by the price of truth and destroy to human dignity.


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How to Cite

KULAGINA-STADNICHENKO, H. (2024). HUMAN DIGNITY AS A FACTOR IN UKRAINE’S EUROPEAN INTEGRATION PROCESSES AND ITS RELIGIOUS-DOCTRINAL UNDERSTANDING. Human Studies: A Collection of Scientific Articles of the Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University. Series of Philosophy, 50–67.