“Images of Europe”, social diagnosis, art, social imagination, “single-multiple existence”Abstract
The goal of the work. The article reveals the problems of European integration through the eyes of European artists. Methodology. The understanding of art conditions this formulation of the task as the basis of philosophy, which Nietzsche already clearly proclaimed. Art provides such means of relating to the truth, devoid of rigid conceptualization and work based on the freedom of both the author and the recipient – this is characteristic of a nonclassical type of philosophy. In the 20th-21st century, a particular concern is the elimination of excessive subjectivist theorizing while maintaining attention to the experience of consciousness. If the verbal arts inevitably gravitate toward verbalized judgment, cinema provides opportunities for holistic visual, auditory, and semantic (logical) perception. Scientific novelty. The novelty is due to such an approach when the appeal to the cinema is carried out in the interests of philosophy: we get the opportunity to enter an extended experience, avoiding verbal transcription. This makes it possible to implement a philosophical approach to critical thinking in the Kantian sense – an understanding of primary principles invisible in everyday life. Although a person in his perception is centered on the problems of his own life, nevertheless, this needs correction, which is carried out in education – because a person is not locked in the cage of his situation, and throughout its history, humanity has developed means of perception that allow us to see the world in its diversity. This is especially clearly realized by the European mentality. Going beyond the limits of one’s local situation and looking from the position of another is dominant for understanding the world using art. The imagination of the image of «Europe» eliminates the physical object associated with a specific territory and puts anthropological factors in the center of attention. Conclusions. An essential task for a thinking person is diagnosing the actual situation in which humanity is. The entire world history of humankind can be read in the light of diagnosis, but the dispute as to who has the final and central verdict has no final solution. One of the variants of such a diagnosis is the philosophical and cultural analysis of art, and therefore the transfer of the situation of perception of paintings, books, and films to the element of chance is harmful to education. Since understanding Europe as a mental-spiritual formation is central to most considerations, European integration as a task is faced with the need for philosophical and cultural reflection and the introduction of relevant educational courses.
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