


tourism, culture, socio-cultural aspect of tourism, functions of tourism, European integration communication links


The purpose of the article is to study the impact of the phenomenon of tourism as a socio-cultural phenomenon on the genesis of the civilization process and integration communication links between Ukraine and the countries of the European Union (EU). The main levers of tourism development, its main aspects and social functions are revealed. Currently, tourism is considered as a subject of scientific study, with its conceptual apparatus, functions and sphere of influence. The article examines the social and cultural factors of the development of modern tourism. Particular attention was paid to the issues of the individual’s need for tourist services, the social nature of the tourist’s needs was determined, and the peculiarities of meeting the needs in tourist services were analyzed. The methodological foundations of the research were general scientific methods and techniques of research: analysis, synthesis, comparison, analysis of statistical data. The analysis of the points of view of foreign and domestic authors on the research of the social and meaningful aspects of tourism, the conceptual apparatus of the sociology of tourism allowed to substantiate the influence of sociological aspects of tourism on globalization processes and European integration communication links, as well as to determine the current directions of tourism development in the context of European integration processes in Ukraine. Scientific novelty. It was determined that tourism, being one of the manifestations of a social form of movement, is an important factor that contributes to multifaceted communication links and affects the genesis of the civilization process, but for a long time it did not have a clear and unambiguous definition, and was interpreted differently by individual specialists, and organizations. Conclusions. As a result of the study, it was established that in the modern world tourism combines many spheres of human activity and affects both the person himself and all spheres of his life and the life of society as a whole, performing a cognitive function. In places with a developed sphere of tourism, there is a change in society – there is a reorientation of the workforce in professions related to tourism. It has been proven that in developed forms, tourism strongly affects both the person himself and many areas of his life – the organization of work and leisure, economic and social development, transforms the environment in the region in which it develops.


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How to Cite

KHUDAVERDIYEVA, V. (2024). THE INFLUENCE OF THE SOCIO-CULTURAL ASPECT OF TOURISM ON THE GENESIS OF THE CIVILIZATION PROCESS AND EUROPEAN INTEGRATION COMMUNICATION LINKS. Human Studies: A Collection of Scientific Articles of the Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University. Series of Philosophy, 192–210.