social phenomena, information society, intercultural communication, interaction, conversation, technical means of communicationAbstract
The purpose of the article is to analyze such social problems as communication and communication in the European space in connection with modern integration processes. Methodological basics of the research are logical method, which allows conducting the in-depth interrogation of notions of “communication”, “technical means of communication”, “conversation”, “signal means of connection”. The critical method was applied to reveal the problematic practical borders on interrelation of those notions. Scientific novelty. The importance of research of the notions of ‘communication’ and ‘conversation’ points at a need of exploration and practical preservation of the dialogical form of relations between “I” and another person rooted in the basis of their just and equal treatment in social relations. In this case communication as a form of social interaction allows preserving an autonomous individuality for each person and provides a space to draw the principles from own personal experience and understanding of the world. Conclusions. Development of informational and communicational technologies in XXI century has led to the new communicative situation. On the one hand, it has enhanced the importance of communication in the social, political, cultural spheres of human life; while on the other hand, it revealed the contradiction between possible ways and limits of communication. It can be noted that the messages of communication bear the monologues character, while the conversation possess the dialogical structure. At the same time, communication has an altar-individual character and embraces order, formalization and standardization of social relations and connections. Communication belongs to every single sphere of human life and preconditions the social interaction. At the same time, conversation reveals itself in the process of formation of social and media networks, which aim to monopolize interpersonal communication. Rationality and use of technical means determine the ways of communication as social phenomena nowadays. Thus the main quality of communication is external manifestation of the process of conversation, which is expressed in socially accepted, effective, rationally picked means and forms of information transfer and exchange between the subjects of social interaction.
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