


Eurocentrism, people-centrism, social cognition, Ukrainian culture, universal human values, Ukrainian philosophy, progress, I. Franko, Ukrainian art, fiction, “Young Ukraine”


The purpose of the article is to analyze the problem of Eurocentrism as a key and valuable basis for the existence and development of Ukrainian philosophy, science, and literature. Social knowledge of the modern state of Ukrainian culture serves as a methodological tool for identifying shortcomings in the field of Ukrainian development and at the same time contributes to the outline of trends and prospects for the development of Ukrainian society as a human-centric phenomenon. Methodology. The means of achieving the set goal are the principles and categories of dialectics, philosophical anthropology, the value and sociocultural approach, phenomenological and hermeneutic discourses, methods of analysis and synthesis, and comparativistics. Scientific novelty. Social realities in modern Ukrainian society can be defined as borderline and crisis situations, appearing as such, which will require special analysis to reveal “morbid” phenomena in culture, philosophy, science, education, and in the humanitarian field, in particular. Spiritual and anthropological values are considered as meaningful and core through the prism of European integration ideas of prominent representatives of “Young Ukraine”, namely Ivan Franko and Natalia Kobrynska. Peoplecentered, humanistic, and hence Eurocentric and universal ideas should occupy a prominent place in the social life of Ukrainians and become an integral basis for its progressive spiritual progress. At the same time, the main goal of Ukrainian culture and its manifestations should be the manifestation of humanity through humanitarianism with the aim of achieving proper development conditions for each individual. Conclusions. Crisis and “morbid” phenomena in Ukrainian society are caused by the same characteristics of the social state. The dialectical interrelationship of the peculiarities of the progress of Ukrainian society and culture and European value orientations and, on the contrary, due to the crisis, pandemic, war, the spiritual and cultural component of society and the modern civilizational and cultural situation require immediate interventions, but not permanent reforms, which further nullify all previous cultural achievements, than creating and reviving Ukrainian cultural identity in the bosom of the European and world community. These reforms do not always contribute to the manifestation of the soul of each person, his enlightenment, his progress and development in the community, and not without the community. Spirituality, philosophy, science, education, art should become indicative trends in the development of Ukrainian culture as a component of the European community, and even its central part, not only geographically, but also contentwise. Achieving European and universal values for the happiness of every individual by means of culture, philosophy, science, art, education, politics, and law is the formation of conditions by the state to ensure an appropriate standard of living for every Ukrainian citizen in society as a free, full-fledged, educated and happy person under a peaceful sky. It is worth working on the implementation of such ideas and putting them into practice, it is necessary to build a real Ukrainian State as a center of humanity, Ukrainian culture and spirituality, a realm of science and technology, Eurocentrism, that is, universal humanity.


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How to Cite

YANKO, Z. (2024). EUROCENTRIC VISIONS IN THE CONTEXT OF SOCIAL KNOWLEDGE OF UKRAINIAN CULTURE AT THE TURN OF THE XIX ‒ XX CENTURIES. Human Studies: A Collection of Scientific Articles of the Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University. Series of Philosophy, 224–238.