dialectics, synergetics, axiological changes, modern Ukrainian society.Abstract
Summary. The purpose of the article is to identify and substantiate methodological approaches and methods for studying axiological changes in modern Ukrainian society. Taking into account the polyphony of philosophical discourse, distinguishing between different types of dialectical teaching, we consider the subject of our research taking into account different points of view and principles, in particular classical dialectics and its modern analogue – synergetics. The research methodology provides for the expediency of applying the basic laws of classical dialectics, as well as the main provisions of synergistic teaching in the concepts: attractor – as a goal and a vector of value orientations of the individual and the community during the last decades; the point of bifurcation – as a branching of the paths of axiological changes in various spheres of personal and social life, while the fractality of the components of the axiological sphere is obvious – the similarity of the partial and the general, existential as the basis of the social, etc.; the factor of randomness (fluctuation) – as a factor in the processes of development and self-organization of the axiological sphere of modern Ukrainian society. The scientific novelty of the work is related to the definition of the dialectic of axiological changes not only as a theory and method of knowledge and transformation of reality, but also as a process of development of these changes. At the same time, to define the essence of the concept of “value”, we consider it expedient to use the universal concept of “happiness” to define the state of complete and lasting satisfaction from life in general. Conclusions. Axiological changes in personal and social manifestation acquire the status of cause and effect in the unfolding of events and phenomena, affect the spiritual and material sphere, social conditions of existence, cause instability, contradiction, conflict on the way to harmony, harmony and order according to the dialectical laws of development in the process of changes and confirmation of its result.
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