contemporary art, Ukrainian art, philosophical trends.Abstract
Summary. The purpose of the article is to identify and substantiate philosophical trends of contemporary Ukrainian art. The research methodology is based on the basic provisions of general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, and generalization. A synergistic approach was used, which made it possible to consider philosophy and art in interaction as forms of social consciousness and cultural phenomena. The scientific novelty of the work is related to the identification of philosophical trends in contemporary Ukrainian art and the introduction of the factor of the Russian- Ukrainian war (since 2014) as a factor in the emergence of certain trends (fluctuations) in contemporary art. Philosophical trends of contemporary art are manifested in the intellectual and rational reflection of reality by artistic and expressive means of various artistic phenomena, trends and forms – intellectualism, performance, simulacrum, virtual/augmented reality, body art, eco-art, photorealism in painting, accentuated eclecticism, hyperrealism, eroticism, and tolerance of kitsch, blurring the boundaries between high, sublime, heroic and low art, artistic utilization of used artifacts (including military artifacts collected from the battlefields of the Russian-Ukrainian war (since 2014), aestheticization of the horrible, ugly, search/affirmation/change of identity, mass media, irony, commercialization of artistic activity, “politicization of art”, etc. Conclusions. Contemporary art is a set of artistic and expressive means and forms formed in the second half of the twentieth century that provide a conceptual reflection of the problems of the relationship between the individual and society, which are reproduced in media art as well as in traditional art forms. The philosophical trends of contemporary Ukrainian art are the existential need of its subject (creator and consumer) to reproduce the artistic and aesthetic expression of the present, to harmonize existence, to know its meaning, to determine its place in it.
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