God, person, personality, selfcognity, upbringing, selfrespect, selfimprovement.Abstract
Summary. The aim of the article – to research the philosophical ideas of Josyp Slipyi at the context of the Christian personalism. It is accented attention into the analysis person by the Ukrainian Metropolitan: loneliness person, spiritual and psychological inconsistency, incompetence to overcome life troubles during the war. The methodological principles of the scientific research are methods: biographical, analyze and synthesis, hermeneutical. For helping of the biographical method it is researched influence of the creative activity of the thinker into becoming of the personalistic ideas. Methods of the analyses and synthesis were using for disclosure of the multifacetedness approaches to the person’s problem. Due to hermeneutical method is determined that in the cognition the process of understanding existence, understanding from where comes the human and where going, understanding depth and high which the human can achieve to transform it at the spiritual dimensions of personality. The scientific novelty of the article consists in delineating the essence of the personalism at the philosophical views of the Ukrainian thinker to be determined through problems of the selfidentification and selfdetermination person through the prism of it interaction with God. It is analyzed sources of forming Jo. Slipyi’s outlooks that are became the importance for and becoming conceptions of representatives of the European Christian personalism. The analyses of the personalism problem in the philosophical ideas of the Ukrainian thinker can be seen in the outlining the essence of the personality through the prism of the faith and science in the cognition of the world by it which as the human comes from the God in the article. It is actualized the notion “nobility person” in the love to God which is describing of it spiritual life through thinking, sensuality and liberty. Conclusions. It is proved that even when human understands who is it and what constitutes it grandeur and grandeur of other people and God too, it is aware of itself as a person. In that assertion is disclosed the Christian personalism at the Jo. Slipyi’s opinions. In the article it is explored the problem of selfcognition which is a long process with Jo. Slipyi’s point of view, because it is necessary to take a look inside itself, only that it can be define the human as spiritually-developed personality. It is indicated to interpret the evidence regarding the existence of God for every person which is leaning into the basics of causality and objectivity of human cognition and into the nature of human as the manifestations of the Christian personality in the philosophy of Jo. Slipyi.
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