identity of thinking and being, preparatory thinking, history of philosophy, philosophy.Abstract
Summary. The purpose of the work is to identify and formulate the methodological foundations of historical and philosophical analytics of the principle of identity of thinking and being, which is considered irrelevant in many philosophical trends since it is the initial principle of the classical way of philosophy and does not correspond to modern realities. Methodology. The initial principle is a textological analysis of works, which is accompanied by the method of phenomenological analysis. When working with texts, methods such as etymological interpretation, logical explication, and intuitive-figurative clarification are involved. Scientific novelty. For the methods of consideration of the subject of study, it must be seized in some way at the pre-methodological, pre-reflexive level. This dimension, which prepares a conscious methodology, is very often ignored, but it is it that “cuts” the subject of research from a holistic picture of the world. In philosophy, we mostly deal with reflection, and therefore, we have the opportunity to outline the forms of this thinking to consider a particular problem; on the other hand, the only form of representation of objects of research is the thought, thus we a priori are in the unity of the method and subject of research. This contradiction expresses the main methodological problem of studying the principle of the identity of thinking and being. Conclusions. First, this principle is articulated in several classical and post-classical narratives. At the same time, in a huge number of other paradigms, it exists implicitly, which requires special attention in the construction of historical and philosophical analysis of the identity of thinking and being. Secondly, it is the foundation of the existence of philosophy in general, since the specificity lies in the fact that philosophical thinking reflexively acts and moves along the contours being. The third aspect is how the ontological parameters of human practice grow from this principle.
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