transhumanism, posthuman, transhuman, digital era, digital security, digital risks, cyber security.Abstract
Summary. The purpose of the article is the philosophical substantiation of the problem of the safety of constructing a new person, as a project of “transhumanism”, in the digital age of risk. The methodological basis of the research is the principles of historical, system-situational, interdisciplinary approaches. An interdisciplinary approach was used to reveal the problem of the consequences of the use of digital technologies, their security and risks. The research used theoretical methods of cognition: abstraction, formalization, analogy, synthesis, analysis, to describe the problem of human constitution, to explain the phenomena of “safety”, “risk”, “digital” in the digital age, “human”, “transhuman” the phenomenological method was used. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the philosophical conceptualization of the problem of human and posthuman in the digital age by implementing the project “transhumanism”, which is aimed at constructing a new person, and as a result, the security and risks associated with it. Posthumans may turn out to be completely artificial creations based on artificial intelligence, some posthumans will even be able to give up their own bodies and live as information structures in giant hypersmart computer networks. Using neural networks, it will be possible to avoid the need to program the supermind, it will be enough to let it learn from its experience, just like a child does. The main question is what exactly can be done in order to minimize the damage that can be caused to the human and the post-human in connection with the penetration of digitalization into the global space. Conclusions. The technosphere becomes the basis that affects all conditions and forms of life in human society. The question of the potential harmfulness and threat of scientific and technological progress is raised with the greatest urgency. On the one hand, thanks to high technologies through the processes of digitization and technologization, man gains supremacy over the surrounding world, and on the other hand, man himself becomes a source of chaos and loses the ability to control the consequences of his actions. Questions of safety and risks arise in the human desire to improve oneself and improve the space around oneself.
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