Novel “Never Let Me Go” by Kazuo Ishiguro, education, anthropology, art.Abstract
Summary. The purpose of the work – by means of philosophical analytics of literary works to consider the dominant tendencies of the modern education system. Methodology. The article uses the method of cultural and anthropological reading of fiction when the text reveals significant characteristics of the current situation. The methodological and theoretical basis of such reading is the understanding of the phenomenon of art Theodor Adorno: direct expression tends to ideology and therefore hides the truth, art does not claim the truth of the literal image but makes it visible and noticeable what cannot be said clearly and unambiguously. Scientific novelty. Since man as a creature of culture does not have purely natural organs of perception and these organs are created in the process of the cultural and historical process. Roman Kadzuo Ishiguro is taken as a specific organ of human perception, which allows to see clearly in such a context, it is diagnosed with a situation in modern education. The artistic images of the novel work as a concept, grasping the subject under consideration, not in the famous empirical form, but bringing it to the marginal dimension. This allows the novel to be attributed to the genre of pedagogical anthropology. Conclusions. If you move away from the metaphorical images of the novel and move to the disciplinary language of philosophy, then it is that pragmatically oriented education eliminates everything “unnecessary” – poetry, drawing, music, leaving the functional cultivation of human resources. This sets the problem of the loss of utilitarian-oriented education, which enforces human life in the available installations here and now, cutting it into the means of achieving utilitarian and social purposes and making a person a puppet of society.
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