philosophy, virtual culture, social networks, consciousness, information society, paradigms of reality perception.Abstract
Summary. The purpose of the article is to examine and analyze the philosophical aspects of virtual culture and social networks, investigating their influence on the consciousness and perception of the modern individual. The philosophical aspects of virtual culture and social networks, as well as their influence on the consciousness and perception of contemporary individuals, are considered. In-depth exploration of these aspects will reveal the main tendencies and challenges arising in the digital age, contributing to understanding how these technologies transform our perception of the world. The study aims to identify possible ethical, social, and cultural consequences of using virtual culture and social networks. By analyzing various aspects of the digital environment, important considerations are identified to ensure balanced and ethical use of these technologies in modern society. The methodological framework of the research includes philosophical analysis, cultural approach, and the use of interdisciplinary methods. Philosophy allows for revealing the essence of virtual culture and social networks, while the cultural approach helps contextualize these phenomena in modern society. The use of interdisciplinary methods enables the examination of various aspects of the influence of virtual culture on consciousness and perception. Science novelty. The research contributes to understanding the philosophical aspects of virtual culture, revealing its impact on the formation of individual and collective consciousness. The focus is on how social networks influence information perception, constructing a new mode of communication and worldview structure. The topic we described sounds interesting and relevant as the influence of social networks and virtual culture on consciousness and perception becomes increasingly discussed in the modern world. Philosophical concepts applicable to the analysis of virtual culture and social networks are explored. The analysis examines how the use of social networks and virtual platforms affects the formation of consciousness and thinking of contemporary individuals. Conclusions. The research results help understand that virtual culture and social networks intersect with philosophy and significantly impact the formation of modern consciousness. The importance of this influence should be considered as a key factor in the development of the information society and the definition of new paradigms of reality perception. The research is of significant importance for philosophy, sociology, and cultural studies, helping understand the dynamics of changes in the modern world under the influence of virtual technologies.
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