subject of philosophical research, worldview, economic accentuation, ideological conflict, entrepreneurship risks.Abstract
Summary. The purpose of the article is to establish the feasibility of expanding the philosophical search. The subject of philosophical research should be (among other things) the study of the influence of applications of philosophical knowledge to various types of activity (in which these applications determine, at least in part, the effectiveness of this activity). To study this problem, an example of using knowledge about a worldview in a specific area of activity – in tourism entrepreneurship – was taken as a basis. Knowledge about the defining features of a worldview allows one to foresee conflicts in tourism and avoid them, thus minimizing the risks of tourism entrepreneurship. The methodological foundations of the article are the methods of analysis, comparison and generalization. Scientific novelty. It is substantiated that one of the important attributes of human culture (and the community in which such people predominate) is a person's economic accentuation. Economic accentuation, as a specific way of human life, refers to the essential components of his worldview. At the same time, the worldview determines the actions of people and human communities, so the establishment of the leading components of the worldview has great heuristic value both in professional entrepreneurial or other activities, and in a person's personal life. Conclusions. Based on the conducted research, it can be concluded that the economic accentuation of the community, and therefore the members of this community, refers to the most essential characteristics of a person and, in the case of differences between people according to this characteristic, can become a source of acute conflict. The study of the ideological attributes of a person should become the subject of broader (in some cases, interdisciplinary) research, since this knowledge allows us to assume the course of human interactions. Mastering knowledge about the features of the worldview that can lead to undesirable conflict can be used in entrepreneurship, in which the decisive role is played by the interaction between people.
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