information, knowledge, material, ideal, functioning, electronic computer, society.Abstract
Summary. The purpose of the article is to understand the peculiarities of the functioning of information as a special reality that can be operated on; peculiarities of its presence in electronic computing machines; correlation of material and ideal aspects of information. Methodological basis. Information is considered as an attribute of matter, which, while retaining its essential properties, manifests itself differently at the levels of inanimate and living nature and in society. Thanks to human consciousness in society, it functions primarily in the form of knowledge, thus forming a special reality in which objective and subjective, material and ideal are internally interconnected. Subjects have the ability to operate on this reality, to give it various forms of existence, including coding in a certain way. Thus, the ideal can acquire an immaterial way of existence and vice versa. Scientific novelty. The opinion about the important role of information in the selforganization of the world is presented. It is shown that as material systems become more complicated, its importance increases. This is especially felt in society, where this education acquires the status of special value. Information permeates all spheres of social life and the success of a person’s life largely depends on it. Attention is drawn to the internal potential of information and the possibility of its application by various subjects for the benefit or harm of other subjects or society. The role of morality as a kind of “safeguard” in situations where people use information for selfish purposes is emphasized. Conclusions. Information is an entity that has a complex structure and various forms of existence. By its nature, it is indifferent to economics, politics, law, religion, morality, but is actively used by people to achieve their goals in various spheres of social, collective and individual life. Depending on the circumstances, it is capable of transformations in its material and immaterial manifestations.
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