glory, myth, foundation, power, society, hero, epic.Abstract
Summary. The purpose of the study. The article deals with the peculiarities of the meaning of the phenomenon of glory in the context of ancient Greek culture and the conditions of the myth’s influence on the process of its formation. Methodology. The investigation was carried out on the basis of the method of the unity of the historical and the logical, as a result of which the contradictory nature of glory is shown as a reflection of the contradiction of the transition from myth to logos. Scientific novelty. The article argues the idea that glory, starting from the Homeric era, had an ambivalent character, containing the remains of a mythological worldview and rationality, which had just begun to form. This was reproduced in the corresponding concepts and partially preserved to the present day. In particular, the article singles out two main terms used to define glory in Homer’s time: κλέος and κῦδος, and shows their mutual relationship depending on the specific situation of manifestation. It is also analyzed how separate aspects of the meaning of fame as a “heroic act” and as a “fame/rumor” are related; how the objective circumstances of the development of society influenced the organization of the content of fame; the ratio of glory, honor and dignity is analyzed based on the example of the behavior of Homeric heroes; the sacred nature of fame is proven. Conclusion. The mythological faundation of glory is manifested in the obligatory verbal passing of a heroic act (feat). Glory is simultaneously a state of absolute victory, causing delight, triumph, and the process of spreading the news about this in certain sayings (doxology). Glorious action must necessarily be accompanied by a word as an expression of absolute understanding; therefore the word is also identical with glory. These aspects of her essence form a mythological unity and identity of exclusive action, exceptional feeling and complete external recognition/confirmation.
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