opposite, quantity, restrictions, freedom, choice, deprivation, desire.Abstract
Summary. The purpose of the article is to analyze the phenomenon of freedom of choice, its quantity, using restrictions as the reverse side of freedom of choice (“analysis of opposites”). The methodological foundations are several key scientific methods that allow us to dispense with the need to perceive only the components of freedom in order to form criteria for its quantity in the category of choice. For example, the method of the hermeneutic circle, which is the relationship between the whole and the parts. Or, the principle of dialectical contradiction, which as part of the philosophical method can be used to focus not only on whole parts but also on minor parts. And a number of other classical methods that were used in this comprehensive study of freedom of choice, constraints and their quantitative characteristics. Therefore, in our understanding, freedom of choice does not end where the limits of the opposite begin, it continues to acquire features, but in different quantitative and qualitative orientations. This is the so-called “analysis of opposites” through reverse interpretation or positioning from the opposite element. For example, in this case, freedom is the number of restrictions that a person experiences during his or her life. Scientific novelty. If we rationally conduct research on the phenomenon of freedom of choice, taking into account its real manifestation in our lives, we can note the importance of such a criterion as the amount of freedom. This is a conditional criterion, which is generally assessed by the presence of actual opportunities or their absence. In this case, it was noted that freedom of choice is not only a manifestation of freedom, but also its opposites. That is why we were interested not only in the fact of the existence of a certain manifestation of choice, but also in its criteria of quantity (which can always consist of two or more definitions), in order to form an appropriate idea of the reality of modern human choice. Within the concept of this work, the antithesis of freedom of choice was restrictions, which were a formal example of the quantitative feature of freedom of choice. Conclusions. The results of this study are quite simple, but only because we managed to formulate them in such a way that it was simple and accessible. At first, these are answers to certain questions, for example, about the real existence of such a formulation as the amount of freedom of choice, which can really be voiced, but mostly only by individual scholars who interpret the indicator of freedom of choice according to the manifestations of our life in practice. For us, these manifestations are restrictions. Because they are directly related to freedom and their role in our lives is quite specific. This is reflected in the level of control over various components of life. For example, the quality of life, which can serve as an indicator of the above freedom. And finally, knowing all this, the nature of freedom of choice and restrictions, their inalienability and integrity, became even clearer to us.
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