digital totalitarianism, digitalization of society, Internet, technophobia, discourse.Abstract
Summary. The purpose is to investigate digital totalitarianism as a potential trend of digitalization of society. The methodological foundations were the principles of worldview and methodological pluralism, impartiality and humanism, comparability and neutrality, ideological diversity, tolerance, secularism. Of concrete-scientific methods, problem-chronological, systemic-structural and critical analysis of philosophical sources, as well as conceptual-discourse, systemic-chronological approaches to the scientific understanding of phenomena and events of social life were applied. Scientific novelty – Today in the 21st century, digital totalitarianism is an actual phenomenon and an existential challenge of the modern era. The kaleidoscope of all social actions is reflected in the media. Many scientists express concern about potential threats in connection with the abnormally fast development of technology. Conclusions. Currently, there are widespread dystopian fears about the possibility of the onset of digital totalitarianism and a whole palette of diverse attitudes to high-tech, in connection with which the synonymous concepts of technophobia and neo-Luddism, computer and Internet addiction as forms of problematic influence are updated in the public memory of the World Wide Web. The spectrum and register of the influence of technologies on a specific personality depends not so much on the nature of the Internet itself, but on its users, who increasingly interact precisely on a technological basis. Digital totalitarianism in the political plane can be seen through subjugation during the electoral process and electoral falsifications in connection with the counting of voting results. Attention should also be paid to the legal aspect of creating a digital dictatorship, as the creation of common global databases does not always benefit the segment in which they are created.
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