


revolution, mysticism, consciousness, spiritual work, volitional tension, meaninglessness.


Summary. The purpose of the work is to consider alternative variants of «revolutionary», considering revolutionary events in the light of religious consciousness. Methodology. Methodological foundations are those studies, which are characterized by an understanding of revolutionary events in the light of religious consciousness while setting the task of preserving a sober rational consciousness both in terms of fascinating revolutionary events and religious dimensions. The method of in-depth reflexive-critical reading is used to accomplish the task, which involves working with concepts and establishing the nuances of meaning. Scientific novelty. The interference in order of life has a variety of forms and the most radical option is the name of the revolution. The revolution is seen as the action that realizes the vocation of man to creativity and hence the positive accentuation of the revolution. However, there are opposite estimates of revolutionary acts, which encourages the search for different ways of moving to another lifestyle from socio-political events. One of these alternative paths is mysticism. The conceptual distinction of the concepts of magic and mysticism reveals different practical intentions-magical seek power over being, so in magic, there is an expansion of oneself, expansion, and violence against another, the mystical setting focuses on the reflection of oneself, the change of one’s consciousness. The first tendency gives the path of aggressive action aimed at the outside (rebellions, riots, terror), the second has a sense not just improvement of oneself, which can be implemented following the order of natural being (transhumanism), when the installation of human capabilities is replaced by volitional efforts, technological changes in humanity. This leads to the elimination of such a phenomenon as the human act. Conclusions. The relevant general legal rules must be applied in society, but they still imply human acts. Even though active interference in the event of today gives a certain semantic filling of human life, this meaning is easily lost as soon as an intrusive empirical reality demonstrates the return of what the struggle was conducted. Consciousness accentuated by modernity easily falls into despair, as soon as its hopes are fulfilled. It is the unprecedented exacerbated consciousness that gives the revolutionary perspective and religious accentuation of the nature of balance and a certain conscious intellectuality.


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How to Cite

LIMONCHENKO, V. (2025). THE REVOLUTIONARY CONTENT OF MYSTICISM. Human Studies: A Collection of Scientific Articles of the Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University. Series of Philosophy, (47), 57–74.