information, knowledge, reflection, inanimate nature, living nature, society.Abstract
Summary. The purpose of the article is to find answers to questions about the nature of information, the reasons for its existence, essence, features of being in inanimate and living nature and society. Methodological principles of research. The analysis of the literature devoted to information gives grounds for at least three conclusions: 1) some authors consciously (or unconsciously) – and this is quite common – ignore the context of the methodology when understanding this phenomenon; 2) others, although they refer to it, do not follow the methodological sequence when formulating the basic provisions and conclusions. As a result, very often there is a shift in emphasis and inconsistencies in the interpretation of information; 3) it is only occasionally possible to read methodologically oriented material regarding the nature of information and the specifics of its existence. The author of the article assumes that the methodological foundations of information research have their origins in ontology, primarily in the philosophical doctrine of the objective nature of the world, movement as a way of its existence, and reflection as an attribute of matter. Scientific novelty. The idea is that information is an integral component of the environment, which is in the same row as movement, space, and time. The position is argued, according to which information is presented differently on three levels of reality: in non-living and living nature and society. It is possible to understand the specifics of its existence at these levels only from the standpoint of reflection as a universal ability of matter. The proposed approach makes it possible to show what role (and in what way) information is performed at each of the three levels highighted above. Particular attention is paid to the relationship between the concepts of «information» and «knowledge». It is shown under what conditions information can acquire the status of knowledge. It is concluded that these terms are dialectically identical: knowledge is always information about something, but not every piece of information is knowledge. Conclusions. Information is a complex, multifaceted entity that is present in all spheres of the environment in its multifaceted nature. It asserts itself with particular force in the daily life of individuals, all social groups, and society as a whole. Its role is steadily growing in the course of human history. It is no accident that the term «information society» is actively used in the literature to denote the post-industrial stage of the development of civilization.
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