autonomy, activity, man, human-dimensional systems, object, consciousness, subject, technology, new technologies, technological artifact.Abstract
Summary. The purpose of the article is to analyze the interaction between the latest technologies and man in the context of the subject-object dialectics as a fundamental philosophical principle; to substantiate the possibilities to solve arising problems and contradictions. Methodology. The dialectics itself, expressed through the necessary categorical connections, appears as a means to achieve the set goal. The combination of the methods of philosophical anthropology, the philosophy of technology made it possible to focus on important aspects of the human situation in the technological environment. Scientific novelty. In our opinion, the place of a person in technological reality cannot be reduced either to the subjective or to the objective because there is danger of eliminating not only the opposite concept but also the destruction of the concept to which everything comes down. The relationship between people, technology, and the world needs to be understood as symbiotic and mediated, not separated and instrumental. Solving the problem of the formation of subjectivity in human development should be based on the culture of projecting "human-dimensional systems". The tendency to devalue the subject in a person creates his "one-dimensionality", which either blocks the processes of expressing the richness of the subjective world or limits the possibilities for personality development. Conclusions. Despite the fact that technology is a complex system that is capable of changing objects of any nature, it is conscious human activity that is the true subject. It is important to understand that the material nature of technological civilization does not disregard its cultural, human basis. Those traits that make us human will continue to manifest themselves in our relationships with gadgets and modern technologies and an attempt to maintain a stable balance in these relationships depends solely on the man.
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