scientific rationality, nonlinearity, newest technologies, man, post-non-classical rationality, systematicity, synergetics, complexity.Abstract
Summary. The purpose of the article is a philosophical analysis of the main characteristics of the phenomenon of scientific rationality in today’s world, updating the features and potential of post-non-classical rationality and, in particular, human-measuring methodological changes in science itself in conditions of the explosive expansion of the newest technologies to clarify the causes and essence of anthropological challenges. Methodology. A critical-reflective approach has become important when one clarifies the modern discourse of the essence, criteria and definition of rationality. The comparative historical method allows us to identify the features of post-non-classical scientific rationality. The theoretical basis is provided by the research of representatives of the philosophy of science aimed at understanding the essence and role of the modern type of scientific rationality in solving socio-cultural problems in society. Scientific novelty. A feature of the post-non-classical epistemology of rationality is not only the understanding of subject and object as a single self-organizational system, but the analysis of human cognitive activity from the standpoint of constructive realism. Based on modern ideas of synergetics, the author studies connection between the features of modern scientific rationality and the development of newest technologies emphasizing that the technologization of modern life should not conflict with the ontological levels of man: physical, mental, spiritual. Animated rationality is capable of overcoming the pragmatism and naturalism of modern civilization and can help a man find the meaning of his existence and purpose. Conclusions. Changing the boundaries of the “human” in the context of the post-non-classical paradigm of complexity involves focusing on the methodological arsenal of synergetics, transdisciplinarity, metaphysics of totality, etc. Understanding the latest technologies as system-forming phenomena actualizes the potential of nonlinear methodology, thanks to which we can better understand the patterns of complex self-organizing systems.
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