aesthetic taste, aesthetic attitude, aesthetics, aesthetic judgment, aesthetic perception.Abstract
Summary. The purpose of the study. Explication and systematization of conceptual approaches to the notion of aesthetic taste in the philosophy of the XXI century. Methodology. This objective is achieved through the explication of definitions and approaches to the notion of aesthetic taste in studies published in Ukraine and abroad after the year 2000, the identification of key approaches to the consideration of the notion of aesthetic taste, as well as a comparative analysis of the use of this concept in Ukraine and abroad. Scientific novelty. The published study is the first to systematize the main approaches to the study of aesthetic taste. It is proved that the inconsistency between the instrumental uses of the notion of aesthetic taste is possible due to the insufficient level of philosophical generalization, which justifies the further need for research on this notion. The paper also identifies the main problems that need to be overcome for the proper conceptualization of the notion of aesthetic taste, as well as possible ways to solve them. For the first time, a comparison of Ukrainian and Western approaches to the study of the notion of aesthetic taste is conducted, and it is found that in the Ukrainian scientific discourse, this notion is used instrumentally, mainly in the context of the educational dimension, namely, in the context of the element of personality development. Conclusions. The following approaches have been identified: consideration of aesthetic taste through the prism of sensual taste; educational, artistic and aesthetic, cultural, cognitive, linguistic, and sensoryaffective. These approaches are not mutually contradictory – each of them explores some of the facets of aesthetic perception and cannot be ignored, therefore, it is impossible to use the notion of aesthetic taste using one of the approaches or dimensions. The main differences between Ukrainian and foreign usage are its narrow specialization due to its limited use within the educational approach, while foreign studies tend to use an interdisciplinary and interbranch approach aimed at clarifying the essence of this notion. In order to form a relatively uncontradictory aesthetic definition, the three key problems are the separation of the processes of perception and evaluation; the lack of a unified theory of the formation of aesthetic experience; the merging of the notions of "sensation", "feeling", "emotion" in the structure of the process of forming aesthetic experience.
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