


levels of integrity, stress deployment model, regulation of stressful states, self-regulation, values, motivation.


Summary. The purpose of the article is to generalize the results obtained in the first part of the interdisciplinary study of the phenomenon of stress, where the formats of feeling-perceptionstate of each of the levels of integrity (morphological, functional, organizational) were presented in the future participants of the Basic Course on Stress Management of the ABSR (Bondarevych, 2022). The task of the research is to identify the possibilities of stress load regulation by means of philosophy; definition of the stress phenomenon in the context of integrity. Research methodology: cross-analysis of specifics of the sensations’ format of the integrity’s morphological, functional, and organizational levels in future participants of the course, as well as the format of perception and the format of states at each of the above-mentioned integrity’s levels. The article uses the method of modeling the process of stress deployment in the context of the integrity paradigm. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the application of the cross-analysis method to find out the correlation between the particularity of mental phenomena in the formats of feeling, perception, states and contours of the lack of morphological, functional and organizational integrity. Conclusions. It was found that detachment from the structure of integrity (focusing on oneself) and self-isolation beyond functional interactions with integrity (refusing to master various types of activities, limiting participation in social life, selfishness, etc.) are ways that lead to stressful states. A following model of the stress flow is proposed: it begins to form against the background of inattention to other scales of being (lack of feeling and perception of them), unfolds in the field of oneself’s negative interactions. Stress reaches its peak in a situation in which it is impossible to acquire new qualities. In the context of the integrity’s concept, the essence of such manifestations of stress as lostness – lack of experience of the state in the structure of integrity – was determined; loneliness in the world – lack of perception of interaction with integrity; running round in circles – a strictly limited, similar experience of interactions; hopelessness, impasse – the absence of the possibility of acquiring new qualities. Philosophical tools for combating stress are defined.


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How to Cite

BONDAREVYCH, I. (2025). PHILOSOPHICAL BASIS OF STRESS REGULATION (PART TWO OF THE INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH). Human Studies: A Collection of Scientific Articles of the Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University. Series of Philosophy, (46), 33–43.