


collective memory, cultural memory, memory studies, memory frameworks, memory figures, contextuality.


Summary. The proposed article is devoted to theoretical and conceptual aspects and research foundations of the problem of social memory. In order to develop a methodology, general principles, terminology and consensus models, the article presents an interpretive analysis of the scientific works of Maurice Halbwachs and Jan Assmann, the founders of the theoretical foundations of memory studies. Particular attention is paid to the key concepts of «social frameworks» and «memory figures» that define memory as a socio-cultural phenomenon. It is emphasized that the concept of «memory framework» is determined by a certain space-time continuum and axiological experience, while «memory figures» have a symbolic meaning and are reproduced through rites and rituals. It is proved that the nature of the presentation of the research material by scholars reflects the postmodern cultural turn, which focuses on cognitive frameworks, language, and intertextuality. The methodological framework of the article is an interpretive and comparative analysis of the canonical works that laid the foundations of the field of memory studies. The main approach is a problematic and chronological approach to the transformation of philosophical ideas about the social construct of memory as a component of collective consciousness, a marker of group identification, solidarity, and a medium of axiological spiritual determinants of society. The scientific novelty of the article is the concept of «contextual conditionality» of the processes of memorizing, recalling and reproducing the past, which allows to reconcile the relationship between the ambivalent modality of individual and collective memory. The identified fundamental provisions and philosophical concepts of M. Albwachs and J. Assmann's scientific work can contribute to the application of a multidisciplinary approach and, to a certain extent, to the unification of terminological lexemes of the memory discourse.


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How to Cite

BUGERIA, M. (2025). CONCEPTUAL AND METHODOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF THE PROBLEMS OF SOCIAL MEMORY IN THE RESEARCH OF M. HALBWACHS AND J. ASSMANN. Human Studies: A Collection of Scientific Articles of the Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University. Series of Philosophy, (46), 44–59.