


open Orthodoxy, Orthodox anthropology, humanity, freedom, peacemaking.


Summary. The purpose of the article is to analyze the anthropology of «open Orthodoxy» in the context of developing its prospects for modern Ukrainian theology and society in general. The methodological foundations of the research are the general principles of scientific research – objectivity, cognitive, modeling, worldview pluralism, as well as specifically theological and philosophical, religious ones – freedom of conscience, tolerance and toleration. The principles of integrity and systematicity created conditions for considering «open Orthodoxy» as, on the one hand, a continuation of the religious and cultural tradition of the Ukrainian people and, at the same time, a new and modern response of the Orthodox tradition to the challenges of the beginning of the 21st century in the context of socio-political processes in Ukrainian society in conditions of external military aggression and worldwide global processes. Scientific novelty. The concept of «open Orthodoxy», which has an internal potential resource for overcoming the division of Orthodox Ukrainians into warring camps and the formation of a complete Orthodox consciousness and self-awareness, is extremely relevant in modern times Ukrainian realities. Conclusions. The article analyzes the main anthropological foundations of the concept of «open Orthodoxy» in relation to its relevance and perspective for modern Ukrainian society. The historical, philosophical and theological prerequisites for the formation and description of the key anthropological virtues of the Ukrainian believer within the framework of the concept have been studied. Among the main anthropological characteristics that are understood and transformed are tolerance, freedomloving, openness, creativity and humanity. The positive role of the concept of «open Orthodoxy» in revealing the historically inherent self-awareness of the Ukrainian people's desire for freedom and peacemaking is noted. The significant positive anthropological potential of «open Orthodoxy» is indicated, which is revealed in numerous social, artistic, scientific, etc. projects and is consonant with the modern social doctrine of the Ecumenical Patriarchate «For the Life of the World».


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How to Cite

LOZOVYTSKYI, V. archpriest. (2025). ANTHROPOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES OF THE CONCEPT OF "OPEN ORTHODOXY". Human Studies: A Collection of Scientific Articles of the Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University. Series of Philosophy, (46), 96–110.