nature, ecological crisis, intrinsic value, ecological ethics, anthropocentrism, biological ethics.Abstract
Summary. The purpose of the article is to investigate the original content and transformations of the category of nature, caused by value influences in European philosophy and ecological inquiries of today, in order to establish the historical circumstances of the juxtaposition of natural and anthropological aspects of the general understanding of nature, to identify current directions of his philosophical reflection, which have the perspective of a logical synthesis of categorical oppositions, and put forward methodological guidelines for re-understanding the current global environmental crisis. Research methods. The methodology is based on systematic, historical and hermeneutic methods, which are necessary to reveal the semantic evolution of the category of nature and the related family of concepts. The axiological approach and comparativist analysis are applied to the categorical content of alternatives of modern environmental programs and strategies of the relationship between man and nature. Model constructions of theoretical argumentation and practical perspectives of development are made on the material of environmental ethics, biological ethics and concepts of posthumanism. Scientific novelty. In the philosophical concepts of antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the Modern times, the attitude towards the natural principle correlates with intra-human relations in the coordinates of integrity and individuality, organicity and conventionality, morality and naturalness. The semantic evolution of the category of nature is subordinated to meaningful oppositions of the individuality of natures and the kingdom of Nature, natural substance and natural substrate, extrahuman and co-evolutionary principles. The concentration of palliative values of nature in the new European strategy of relations between man and nature, based on liberal political consciousness, mechanistic paradigm and industrialism, brought to life a model of complete rationalization of nature as an object and management of natural processes by man as a subject. Cessation of domination in the second half of the ХХ century and reactualization of alternative ethical and natural-philosophical models is explained by the global ecological crisis, in which the increase in income due to the scientific and rational intensification of nature management has stopped covering the depletion of natural systems. The modern rethinking of the relationship between nature and man in philosophical, morallegal and ecological concepts is based on the exposure of dualistic reductionism in the classical meaning of the category of nature. Models of the relational structure of the basic categories of nature, human nature, life, subject, etc. in environmental and biological ethics constitute the promising basis of general environmental programs. Conclusions. The international level of discussion of the ecological crisis calls for a re-awareness of the relationship between man and nature, which begins with the identification of their mutual influence and turns into a revision of fundamental definitions. The role of the ontological basis of these changes can be considered the exposure of the subject-object opposition as a reduction of the traditional meanings of the categories of nature and man. The de-universalization of human nature and the interpretation of non-human nature in terms of subjectivity make a purely scientific methodological approach to solving the global ecological crisis and other problems of nature use impossible. Leading environmental and bioethical models of combining the values of human and natural life contribute to rethinking the «neutral» standard of natural and scientific knowledge and the internal structure of established classical categories or put forward categorical neologisms in relation to nature, new discourses and methodological principles of its knowledge.
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