philosophy, practical philosophy, categories, science, education, man.Abstract
Abstract. The purpose of the article is to realize the state of philosophical thought in today's realities, a general description of the changes that took place in this area in the recent past and are happening now, the reasons that caused them, and the search for possible topics and options for philosophizing in the future. The methodological basis of the research is the analysis of the problems present in the substantive field of modern world and national philosophy, assessment of the nature and methods of philosophizing, questions of reality to philosophy and the degree of the latter's reaction to them. Highlighting questions, topics and problems that are not represented in the philosophical literature of the first quarter of the current century and directions of creative research, the relevance of which is beyond doubt. The comparison of the «philosophical past» and «philosophical modernity» made it possible to trace the strategic line of changes that took place in the last two decades in the field of philosophy. Scientific novelty. The factors determining the degree of demand for philosophy in society are highlighted. The main arguments, which are often given by opponents of this form of spiritual culture with the aim of discrediting it, are named, as well as the reasons for such actions. An attempt is made to explain why the prestige of philosophy has decreased in modern society. The determinants of the given situation are analyzed, which are both outside the boundaries of philosophy and within it. Considerable attention is paid to the phenomenon of practical philosophy with the selection of positive and negative aspects of the stated question. The need for a serious approach to methodological culture is shown, including in the plane of operating with philosophical material and the corresponding categorical apparatus. There is expressed to concern about the significant decrease in the share of philosophy as an educational discipline in the curricula of higher education institutions. Conclusions. Processes occurring in philosophy in the first quarter of the XXI century. indicate that its status is in a state of transformation. On the one hand, this form of spiritual culture is less in demand than it was at the end of the last century, and on the other hand, it is trying to «fit» into the present and is in a state of searching for new forms of philosophizing and approaches to explaining reality.
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