



profiling, philosophical thinking, philosophy, teaching, self-identification, institution of higher education.


Abstract. The article analyzes the peculiarities of profiling philosophy in the process of teaching it for non-philosophical majors. The purpose of the article is to analyze the features of profiling philosophy in the process of teaching it for non-philosophical majors. Methodology. Based on the analysis of scientific and pedagogical sources, it was determined that "profiling" is considered as the collection and analysis of information in the process of teaching philosophy, as an educational discipline, which includes, on the one hand, the specific profiling of the corresponding higher educational institution, its specific institute or faculty , related to the application of the educational material of a specific scientific discipline, on the other - branch profiling, which involves the application of the material of the educational discipline of the relevant field in which future specialists will carry out their activities. Scientific novelty. It was found out that it is philosophy that contributes to the formation of a comprehensively developed personality. A close connection with the profile of a higher educational institution in the process of teaching philosophy makes it possible to intensify the study of the course by future specialists. Demonstrating the connection between the teaching of the philosophy course and the profile of the higher educational institution, the scientific and pedagogical worker activates the motivational sphere of the subjects of study and adds awareness to his learning process. It was determined that the meaningful content of the discipline of philosophy does not depend on the profile of the higher educational institution, but its consideration has an impact on educational activity, through the constant search, in accordance with the specialization of relevant methods, of ways of providing philosophical material, where an important role is assigned to the philosophy teacher, who should interest everyone student in studying this course. Conclusions. We believe that it is necessary to add information from profiling sciences to the content of the academic discipline, in order to demonstrate how the laws of dialectics or certain philosophical categories and concepts work in these sciences and help them in scientific research. The main idea is for the teacher to have such knowledge, skills and abilities in order to show the relationship between philosophical issues and professional orientation.


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How to Cite

FURKALO, V., & FURKALO, V. (2025). FEATURES OF PROFILING PHILOSOPHY IN THE PROCESS OF TEACHING IT FOR NON-PHILOSOPHICAL SPECIALTIES. Human Studies: A Collection of Scientific Articles of the Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University. Series of Philosophy, (46), 200–213. https://doi.org/10.24919/2522-4700.46.13