economy, post-industrial society, simulacrum, technology, technique, technoscience.Abstract
Summary. The purpose of the article is to highlight the positions of Western thinkers (D. Bell, A. Toffler, J. Baudrillard) in the theories of post-industrial society regarding the interrelationship of technical, technological and economic factors of world development. The methodological basis of the research is structural analysis, principles of historicism, evolutionism and hermeneutics. The methodological approaches used in the research of representatives of Western humanitarian thought, which gave them the opportunity to determine the leading trends of the world historical process from the standpoint of systemic and structural analysis are analyzed. Scientific novelty. Understanding the provisions of the works of prominent Western thinkers regarding the interrelationship of economic, technical, and technological factors of the development of society, extrapolation of the world’s leading trends in these areas made it possible to determine the situation of Ukrainian society as a transitional one from an industrial and post-industrial society. Conclusions. Examining the concepts of Western sociologists, philosophers and economists creates opportunities to identify the shortcomings of traditional economic thinking when it comes to the development of science and technology (technoscience), the features of the transition from industrial to post-industrial society (D. Bell), or from the second to the third wave of civilization (A. Toffler). It is noted that American thinkers gave priority to knowledge, technology (technoscience) in the economic life of society, believed that in a post-industrial society, the economy does not determine the progress of society, but follows technology. It is shown that the majority of economists tend to think in an evolutionary way, which is not adequate to the main trends of our time, instead, science and technology cause revolutionary changes in society. The catastrophic consequences of the technological and economic development of society, the transformation of the economy into a trans-economy are outlined. It is proved that the product of modern production is not created today with the aim of obtaining consumer value or having a durable product, but for its destruction, death. The production system of the post-industrial society essentially lives at the cost of destroying the product (J. Baudrillard). Ukraine's entry into the European space, joining the general progress of civilization must be accompanied by the gradual arming of the economy with the means of technoscience, technological achievements of the post-industrial society. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid the most dangerous shortcomings of technology and informatization of the economic sphere of our society.
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