personality, man, contradiction, development, personality crisis, self-presentation, dialectics.Abstract
Summary. The purpose of the article, it is brought to the unity of the psychological and philosophical discourses of some particularity. This is done through the application of the category of contradiction to the individual and through the illustration that applied psychological methods have philosophical roots. The methodological principles of the research is the use of the dialectical method, which is adequate to the developing reality. Special attention is paid to the application of the category of contradiction in human research. Using the contradiction category has certain features that need to be taken into account. Otherwise, the research results will not correspond to reality. If the principle of inconsistency is applied correctly, the inevitable contrast between theory and practice disappears, and the researcher receives a powerful methodological tool for researching a human. Scientific novelty. The necessary logical connection between dialectics as a universal philosophical method of thinking and modern applied psychological methods of personality correction is established. Conclusions. The principle of contradiction, which is the basis of dialectical philosophy, is applicable to the solution of human problems that arise in the modern world. And those psychological methods used by psychologists (Gestalt therapy, NLP, etc.) have philosophical roots and practically implement what humanity has been saying since the dawn of civilization. And this is not surprising – because the situation of man in the face of existence has existed since the beginning of mankind. In fact, there is no contradiction between psychological and philosophical mastery of the world. After all, both psychology and philosophy are dimensions of one single knowledge about man, which humanity has been developing since the moment of its own emergence. And also - there is no contradiction between theory and practice, this "contradiction" is imaginary, which exists rather in the head of an individual researcher than in reality.
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