electronic computer, consciousness, thinking, intelligence, artificial intelligence, information, creativity.Abstract
Summary. The purpose of the article is the outlining and considering the range of knowledge that has methodological significance for understanding artificial intelligence; research of its nature, capabilities and limits of electronic computing machines in information processing; analysis of problems related to the presence of artificial intelligence in the life of people and society. Methodological basis. The author assumes that it is impossible to understand the essence and specifics of artificial intelligence without analyzing the basic characteristics and manifestations of consciousness, which is the ontological basis of its production. Consciousness is a very complex entity. It "unfolds", realizes itself in thinking, in the structure of which reason and reason are distinguished. Intelligence is one of the manifestations of the latter. Artificial intelligence is a product of thinking. Being partially similar to human intelligence, it is significantly different from it. Scientific novelty. There is focused an attention on the role of methodology in the adequate understanding of artificial intelligence. The methodological principles of this process are revealed by analyzing the content of the concepts "consciousness", "thinking", "mind", "mind", "intelligence". There is shown the specifics of the so-called machine thinking and the peculiarities of the operation of electronic computing machines with information. The qualitative difference between information and knowledge is emphasized. The main characteristics of intelligence are highlighted. Argued position on the strengths and weaknesses of artificial intelligence. Conclusions. Artificial intelligence is an entity that has a complex subject-object nature. It has become an integral part of the existence of society and in the future it will increasingly influence various spheres of its functioning. Using the possibilities of this formation (for the benefit of society or to its detriment) depends primarily on the human factor. In this context, the legal and moral culture of people comes to the fore.
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