


philosophy of childhood, creative nature of human existence, freedom, gospel image of childhood


The purpose of the work. This article implements such a variant of childhood philosophy, when childhood is considered not as an age category, but as a state of consciousness, as specific human rice associated with a special nature of human existence. Methodology. The statement of the goal defines the means of building thought, primarily aimed at the conceptualization of childhood – it is not about the development of new definitions, but the understanding of human beings based on a substance-determining principle, which is accepted by childhood as a place of the primary birth of the human me, the place of the congratulatory past and the meeting place, the future that becomes an archetype of human life. Scientific novelty. The proposed turn of the topic – the consideration of childhood as a state of consciousness of an adult infrequently falls into the focus of reasons, and the main moment – it is not about an inverse form of childhood, which is infantilism or pedocracy, but about childhood as a state of pre-conscious openness to the world, as a result of which this world gets the ability to be future. The ability to preserve the child is to preserve the ability to see everything as for the first time, in the maximum voltage of perception, which is a guarantee of creative potential in a person who not only creates a new objective world around himself, but itself is eternally unprepared, such that it should go to yourself, find yourself. Consequently, the measure of human capabilities can act as childhood – because it represents marginal openness. Childhood in all its specific completeness is the everelaborate, incomplete growth, which should be carried out, and because it is pure potential, all the maybe coincides with freedom. In this case, the main problem and suffering of childhood are rooted: in its essence, nature, form it is potentiality, the ability to become that it is not yet, and at the same time in its existing form, it is slave as a frantic of physical trains, so аnd the character, a manner, a way of living surrounding people. Hence the view of a child that still has to become a man. Expressing and is a release of what a person can be from the flow of empirical circumstances acting, cutting potential, and openness. Conclusion. An inviting look at childhood as a space of certain philosophizing emphasizes the significance for a person to preserve in its consciousness of readiness and the ability to be opened by the world without trouble recognizing himself a measurement of existing. Protection of the adult is to preserve in adult childhood, as such a universal feature of human being, the essence of which in the eternal form of itself and the ability to transcend the visual-subject circumstances that are commanded by a person as a creative being.


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