


synthesis, genology, ontology, unity, being, singular, plural, whole, syncretic, contradictions


The aim of the article is a historical and philosophical analysis of the ancient origins of synthesis in Parmenides’ and Heraclitus’ genealogy, their comparison with the Hegelian model of synthesis. Methodological principles of research: the main research method is historical and philosophical. The article also uses comparative and structural-functional methods. General scientific methods are used: analysis, synthesis, generalization, abstraction, etc. Scientific novelty: historically ontology (metaphysics of being) has taken a dominant position in modern philosophy, moving genology (metaphysics of the unity) aside. The category of “being” and “unity” began to be used as interchangeable, and sometimes as equivalent. This significantly influenced the development of philosophy in general, changing the specifics of the way of thinking, in particular, the cognitive operation of synthesis. The explanation of the specifics of synthesis, as well as attempts to classify its varieties, in the vast majority of philosophical works presented in modern academic literature, continues to remain unambiguous. This approach has become established in modern philosophical practice. It has undergone almost no changes in qualitative terms, in the views of representatives of national philosophy in the 20th century. And today, they remain virtually untouched. Existing definitions and classifications of the synthesis operation are mainly descriptive. Synthesis in the traditional sense is usually associated with the name of F. Hegel. Although modern philosophical reflection based on a critique of metaphysics in the 20th century requires a solution to the problem of contradictions. That is why it is important to take new steps in the study of the historical origins of the operation of synthesis, to reveal the genological model of its implementation, which has long been forgotten. Conclusions: in genological synthesis, in contrast to the Hegelian model, contradictions are a formal conditionality. The difference between static and dynamic models of the synthesis of Parmenides and Heraclitus is the choice of conditions for this operation – “from unity” and “to unity”.


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