



disability, “Border situation


Philosophical anthropology of the XXI century actualizes and expands views on the problem points of socialization of certain groups of people. These groups include people with disabilities. The article analyzes a person who is in a "borderline situation", namely, in a situation of disability. The reaction to the disability situation as a "borderline situation" manifests itself in different ways and can be analyzed using the "metaanthropology" system proposed by N.V. Khamitov. Additional tools for philosophical understanding of the problem were the personality types of S. Kierkegaard, the concept of time by M. Heidegger and the types of courage of Paul Tillich. The relevance of the article is due to the increasing number of people who find themselves in a situation of disability, but the methods of understanding the problem of disability by society are reduced only to socio-cultural grounds. At the same time, the philosophical and anthropological aspect, which can create the basis for philosophical practices, practices of psychologists, social workers and even doctors, has not been disclosed. The philosophical and anthropological component is directly related to the stressful situation of disability, which in psychodynamics creates a complete picture of the experiences and difficulties that a person faces in a "borderline situation". The purpose of the article is to study and reveal how people who are in different dimensions of being endure the "borderline situation" of disability in different ways, and what methods are able to restore mental and spiritual harmony to a person. Methods and scientific novelty. For the first time, the synthesis uses the methods of meta-anthropology and Kierkegaard's personality types in the context of Jaspers ' "borderline situation" regarding the problem of disability. Also, for the first time, the explication of a person in a situation of disability is considered with respect to time constants in the teachings of M. Heidegger. To determine the fears and anxieties of a certain person in a "borderline situation", the types of despair according to Kierkegaard and Tillich, and the types of courage to overcome despair were used. All this made it possible to create an existential -dynamic model for various types of people at different levels of being. The significance of the study lies in the further practical application of the explications created in this work for specific solutions to the problematic issue of a person with acquired disabilities. Conclusions. The article assesses the influence of the "borderline situation" on various personality types according to Kierkegaard. It is certain that each person, depending on life values, accepts and reacts differently to the "borderline situation" in this case, the situation of disability. The paper gives a regularity of the relationship between personality types according to Kierkegaard and types of being according to Khamitov, which made it possible to create an explication of the united personality types and, in accordance with this, to apply the types of courage according to Tillich to get out of the field of "borderline situation". Analysis and systematization made it possible to understand the goal.


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